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While running so many eye hospitals is a daunting task, even more daunting is finding the right people to run them, who have the same values and passion as the founders of the NGOs. The Football to Eyeball program solves this issue, while empowering the young girls, their families and thus their whole villages. Often, girls in these remote areas get married at the age of 14 or 15 years, moving into a life of early marriage, motherhood, thereby putting an end to any prospects of a career or dreams of a better life they might be nurturing, moving into a life of early marriage, motherhood and suppressed dreams. Enrolling girls at Grade 10 level, the Football to Eyeball program includes educating, tutoring, skilling and employing them as they move from Grade 10, to Grade 12 and then on to Bachelor of Science in Optometry, creating employees for the hospitals and in turn making them financially independent. A few of them also progress to doing their Masters in Optometry, or MBA in Operations or HR, being happy to keep working at the hospitals, as they have grown up and tasted the sweet flavor of independence while staying there. They are full of gratitude at their workplace, but on the football field it’s all about their strong defense and striking goals!