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Sankara Eye Hospital, Jaipur, was inaugurated in December 2017. With a 225-bed capacity, it serves the communities of Jaipur and the 10 nearby districts in Rajasthan.
Sankara Eye Hospital, Jaipur, was inaugurated in December 2017. With a 225-bed capacity, it serves the communities of Jaipur and the 10 nearby districts in Rajasthan.
The hospital was constructed with a generous grant from the Bajaj Foundation, Mission for Vision, and other patrons. To date, Sankara Eye Hospital Jaipur has conducted 625 eye camps, screened 63,717 patients, and performed 21,250 free surgeries.
Plot No. 6, Central Spine Rd, Sector 6, Vidyadhar Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan 302039, India
+91 (141) 225 6900
upto +91 080-69038999
+91 73574 44473
8.00 AM - 7.00 PM
(Monday - Saturday)
9.00 AM - 5.00 PM (Sunday)