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Then, hope arrived.
When Sankara’s eye check-up camp was announced in her village, a kind neighbor encouraged her to enroll. At the camp, Nirmala was diagnosed with cataracts and was advised to undergo surgery at RJ Sankara Eye Hospital, Panvel.
But there was a problem. Nirmala couldn’t afford the journey to Panvel, nor was her eyesight strong enough to travel alone.
That’s when the Sankara volunteers stepped in. They explained that a van was ready at the camp to transport all cataract patients to the RJ Sankara Eye Hospital. They assured her that everything—travel, surgery, hospital stay, and food—would be completely free.
Nirmala needed no more convincing. Her eyesight was her means of survival. She quickly packed a few belongings and happily took a seat in the van.
Today, Nirmala can see clearly, has regained her livelihood, and encourages all her friends in the village to get their eyes checked—spreading hope to others in need.