When women lead, the world looks up...

Sankara is not an organisation, its a large family.

Meet Mrs. Kala, the better half of our CEO Mr Murali Krishnamurthy, as she talks about her experiences about being involved with Sankara's events and activities.

"Event Management and organisation comes easily to women, they are used to organising family events. So this is just a larger scale!

"Headlining the event management committee, Mrs Kala has opened her heart and home to the numerous volunteering families - that includes the men, women and children, who participate whole heartedly in organising the fund raising events at various locations in USA.

"I was a housewife, and used to notice my brother-in-law and husband working full time and then at home for Sankara. When I visited the Sankara Hospital at Coimbatore, I saw the number of patients being healed there. That's it! Instead of waiting and watching my husband work, I just joined them.

"There has never been an empty day since then, as my home is forever swarming with helping hands. Many women, and even small children come and do their bit, whether its folding leaflets, or making posters, or organising smaller volunteer groups.

"The joy we get from this is unimaginable. And we all know what we are working towards.... our vision is March to a Million. And we will accomplish that!" Mrs Kala exclaims enthusiastically.

Join us - engage with us - support us - as we March to a Million.